Do you have your own site and you want to improvise website rankings? For that, you need to understand some factors that may influence you website rank. Website ranking establishes the hierarchy of websites on a search engine. It is a procedure through which the search engines assign a ranking to your site as compared to others. There is a procedure through which the search engines determine the order of placing the websites in search results. You must follow some rules for placing your website on a better position:
• Choose a user friendly content management system.
• Create a simple website design and an easy navigation. You can use HTML sitemapsand XML sitemaps. You can create a sitemap so that it becomes easy for the readers to access the information as needed.
• Make sure that you submit your pages to popular social bookmarking sites, search engines, and website directories etc. Try to avoid automated submission for search engines etc.
• Join online communities that are relevant to your business.
• Use text links instead of image links.
• Analyse the visitor location with the help of analytical software. Try to find out the keywords that may improvise the relevance of your site.
• Always focus on quality.
• Try to find out the information required by the users. In this way, you will be able to relate your website with the internet surfers.
• Always keep your content updatedon a regular basis to increase website rankings.
• Try to inculcate high quality backlinks. They are the building blocks to good search engine optimisation (SEO). It is helpful in gaining the visibility online.
• Make your site in a specific hierarchy. Start it with the ‘headings’ section. Highlight your content title and try to make it eye catching.
• Always focus on the first paragraph of your site. The first paragraph should be such that it creates a positive impression on your readers. It should be subject specific; it must give detailed description of your website.
• You must give a special emphasis on the keywords in your paragraph. Apart from that, your primary keywords should be found in page titles and headers.
• Use heading tags and highlight important information. Always choose those META descriptions that are unique and enticing for every page of your website.
• Use bullets for a better organization of your content.
• You can use forum posting, article writing, guest blogging, free reports, and newsletters.
• To promote your website, always comment on blogs.
• Avoid duplicate content. Popular search engines restrict it and duplicate content does not help at all in increasing website rankings.
• Avoid linking your website to web spammers.
• Add pages to your website but make sure that they do not relate to useless information. Adding irrelevant information will lower your ranking.
• Hiring professionals is highly recommended.
By using these simple guidelines, you can easily achieve a better ranking for your website.